How To Choose The RIGHT Personal Trainer that WILL Help you Achieve a ROCKING Body?

The sad fact is there are people out there that call themselves personal trainers that have 6 months experience and only a handful of Clients under their belt.

That can be fine if they studied hard from a good course provider and they are passionate people who care, however…..

When they are someone who is unprofessional, lack care and insight and do not observe their Clients adequately during a workout – at the least, it could mean you waste your money, at worst, you could kill yourself or best, seriously injure yourself!

I don’t see tath path for you.

So let’s examine some of the early signs (before you pay the personal trainer) that will help you choose the best person for you.

When you take the courage of stepping outside your comfort zone by finding a personal trainer, reaching out to 2 or 3 for a consultation and giving them your hard earned cash you are taking a big step, don’t make that step a step backward.

If you go to that much effort you must have a goal or goals that are very important to you AND:

There is a BIG difference in the quality of trainers, some are wonderful and will help you transform your life, others will take your money and waste it.

So what should you look out for?

What will give you great signals you’ve found a fantastic personal trainer who can help you make your physique goals and dreams come true?

Let’s break this down into 2 categories:

#1 – Personal and Passion Qualities

These areas are key, how do they conduct themselves and are they passionate about helping people?

If they are, you are at least 50% of the way there, maybe, even more, depending on what qualities of a personal trainer are important to you.

Let’s break it down……


Do they:

  • Take your call quickly or call you back soon after you called? Or do they message you to say they will call you later if they can’t reply quickly?
  • Do they confirm your consultation ahead of time if you agreed to meet more than 48 hours later?
  • Did they send you any examples of the results they have achieved with other Clients that are similar to you after you initially spoke on the phone?
  • Did they keep their promise and show up at the agreed time and place for your consultation?



Are they:

  • Is the personal trainer obviously passionate about helping you, the individual achieve your weight loss goals?
  • Do they love what they do?
  • Do they walk the walk and talk the talk? Do they look healthy?
  • Do they have a good personal energy?
  • On your initial call to them and in the consultation do they do future pacing with you?: Where they help you create in your mind’s eye what your life will look like once you have started to achieve your goals?



#2 Main Area to Look Out for:

What Systems They Have in Place……..

In our opinion, a personal trainer, whatever goal a Client is wanting to achieve will need to be a master in these 4 areas and it’s these 4 areas which will be the keys to help ordinary people achieve their physique, fitness and health goals:

  1. Motivational systems
  2. The best actual training systems – the workouts they will do with you
  3. Holistic Health Coaching advice
  4. An: A to Z, super effective diet system

All of these are KEY….of course, depending on the individual they may need more or less of these depending on where their weaknesses are.

Does the personal trainer plan on keeping in touch with you between sessions until you achieve your goals?

Do they have great training in digestion, breathing, stress, the hormonal system, hydration and a good grasp of health conditions?

Do they have a WRITTEN diet system they can show you in the consultation, if they don’t, I Guarantee that personal trainer will give you ‘General’ advice at best and it will likely make things worse and you fatter?

So be WARNED! you need an expert, someone who is both passionate and practical, someone who has the systems pinned down, systems that will help you create the body you desire and the body you deserve.

Kind Regards,

Tim Garrett.

052 699 3955

P.S Call us for 2 free trial sessions before we get fully booked again (we sold out 4 times last year)