The No-Holes Barred Guide to Success For Personal Training CLIENT’S


This guide is for:

  1. Someone who wants to transform their body and has a personal trainer
  2. Someone who doesn’t have a personal trainer but wants the best BEST systems in the world to change their body and revolutionize their health and LIFE


Here’s the deal – you’ll need certain elements to be success with personal training.


Now your trainer might help you with them or…

They might be a nice guy or gal and that’s IT!


BUT – being a nice person alone is NOT GOING TO GET YOU RESULTS!


You’re going to need an A-Z plan that includes the critical success factors to achieve any health and fitness goal.


If you are reading this you have some very important goals you want to achieve and this plan will be your GUIDE to Ultimate Success!


Now today, we’ll be concentrating on weight loss, just to keep things simple, however, these 4 areas with some changes are used to help personal training Clients achieve goals as varied as feeling more energy to packing on heaps of solid muscle.



An overview of what we’ll be covering:

LISTEN: These are THE top areas you will need to achieve great results, there are no others!

  • Amazing training to get results to burn calories for a long time after your workout
  • The best A-Z diet system in the world to make weight loss a BREEZE
  • Top motivational strategies to get and STAY motivated
  • Holistic health coaching to identify and fix health blocks that 90% of people have



To give you some background

I have been a trainer for 20 years and I have completed THE best courses in the world and I have learned from geniuses, REAL geniuses and that is not hype, It’s fact.

And I’ve tested and honed my systems down to a work of art.

And the results I get with my Clients are STRIKING. So these systems have to be good.

Now, I don’t say that without evidence and a successful track record.

— I went through all the pain of failing with Clients and letting them down then coming to the realization that I was missing a piece of the puzzle.

Now I have all4 of the above systems, which I’ll walk you through step-by-step today, the results are truly OUTSTANDING!

So, if you’re a personal training client trying to lose weight this guide is for you…



Or even if:

you are just Joe or Julie blogs, without a personal trainer, this guide will work for you.

You can use it as a best of the best guide for diet, training, holistic health and motivational strategies.




Let’s break down these key components to getting fast results and body transformations

Amazing Training

The goal – to burn as many calories as possible.


It’s not a simple answer actually, you have 3 ways to burn calories:

  1. During your workout
  2. After your workout
  3. In the future (I’ll make this one clear soon)



During your workout

This is the bit that most people think about and yes, its important, of course!

What’s the VERY BEST method to burn MAX! calories while you are in the gym?

Side note: It’s important to build up a base conditioning to get to a level when you can handle this kind of training so it actually works for you so you don’t injure yourself or worse – no heart attacks allowed – or being sick in the gym!


I prefer 2 methods which are basically built on the same principles:


The principle is: A circuit-based approach that burns a HECK OF A LOT of calories each and every workout.



Why are the workouts so effective?

Because it combines a number of key elements that raise your heart rate a LOT not only during the workout yet also after the workout and in the future, which we’ll get onto soon…

  1. Practically every exercise will use the major muscle groups, the ones that are large and burn tons of calories –
  2. Every exercise involves a lot of balance and coordination so you use so many other muscles apart from the primary ones you are concentrating on


Some studies estimate that even standing uses 1000 muscles so while you’re doing an exercise that a good personal trainer will suggest for you might use another 100 to 200 muscles as well as the ones you are primarily working.

  1. Its TOUGH – every exercise will be first, complete with great form and second, be done to the maximum intensity so that you are really pushing yourself to momentary muscular failure.


Momentary muscular failure is the fancy word for F*** I can’t do anymore!


  1. These workouts develop muscle, and this is a CRITICAL calorie burning strategy…


Picture it like having more kids at home, you have to buy more food from the supermarket i.e. your muscles burn more calories


  1. This is KILLER (The good Killer😉): you burn a LOT more extra calories than you would with ‘other’ workouts.




Let’s compare:


  • You can burn calories for 72 hours after a workout with a GREAT personal trainer


  • And with a normal workout you can burn calories for only 6 hours:


That’s 1200% longer than a traditional personal trainers workout.





So…When you add up these super effects:

  • Burning more calories in the workout
  • Burning TONS more calories after the workout
  • Burning more Kcal’s even when you’re on holiday due to the extra muscle you’ve developed


That is an incredible hat-trick of benefits that adds up to spectacular results.


In this blog post (oh…lucky you) I’m going to give you my all-time top resources, so here are workouts you can use if you are in a gym or in a hotel room or at home with NO equipment.



Here’s my gym circuit that helps you burn calories for up to 3.5 days after your workout!

So Cool – the AFTERBURN effect.


circtuit for weight loss with a personal trainer




Here’s the circuit you can use to have the MAXIMUM benefit workout at home or when you’re on the road!

It requires so equipment, just a little dedication, and some sweat.


home circuit for weight loss with a persaonal trainer



And Here’s the workout you can use to MASTER cardio.


In terms of cardio, I suggest if you haven’t exercised for more than 6 months to do as the program recommends, do up to 1 hour (ideally an hour if you are fit enough to do that) of normal cardio. Ie. 70% intensity after a 5-minute medium intensity warm up.

You can do it outside or on any cardio machine.

Then use this chart to do HIIT (high-Intensity interval training).

If you see the chart below, if you look at the top one, what that means is that in workouts 1 and 2 you do 45 seconds 6 times with a super easy, 2-minute rest between.


cardio exercsie plan for weight loss with our without a personal trainer




How would I advise you break these workouts down into a ‘Normal’ week?


Do This:


To get great results for weight loss I always advise that you consistently (KEYWORD) do 3 to 5 hours of effective exercise a week.

Because there is cardio elements in the circuit then do that 70% of the time and do the cardio 30% of the time.





Why Our Diet System Is THE BEST in The World…


It’s loosely based on a paleo diet, meaning paleolithic.

Caveman or cavewoman food.

You See: we’ve been on the planet as recognizable humans for about 2,000,000 years.

We have only had grains for about 10,000 years.

To put that into perspective, that’s like 4 seconds out of 24 hours, if you had to represent it as a percentage of 1 day.

That means…

We are genetically programmed to eat as cavemen and cavewomen.


When we eat like this it turns our fat-burning up to MAXIMUM.


It makes us more healthier and better able to resist stress.



Some people have a weird take on caveman food, they advocate eating no fruits and having nuts and seeds, most of which we would not have done.

So when I said loosely based on a paleo diet, that’s what I meant.

I have improved the commonly taught paleo diet to make it even more effective.




So, here is my gift for you is the diet system I have worked hard on over 20 years to develop.

It’s a collection of what I’ve learned from the best experts in the world and it will help provide rocket fuel to your weight loss efforts when you are doing personal training, just in case, like too many cases your personal trainer does not give you an EXACT plan to follow.


You know That – KEY – An Exact plan to Follow – Anything Else – Always Fall Short

The Result – Your weight Loss Slows, You Get Disappointed and Stop

I don’t see that life for you.


Here it is:

diet system for weight loss with or without a personal trainer


There’s a little more to it, but that is 90%.


What do you do after the 14 days…

…If you want to lose loads of weight and feel amazing: then have 1 cheat meal a day, not a day of cheat meals mind you.

It can be whatever you want, as much as you want – enjoy.

Even if you ate 3 large deserts you’d still lose weight.


There’s loads of advantages to this diet system as well as the amazing weight loss so that you can get results from your personal training.

  1. You’ll detox your body
  2. This will teach you whats posining your body – only after avoiding a food for 14 days then reintroducing it do you realise if it is a toxic poison in many cases
  3. Your energy levels will zoom up
  4. Your digestion will definitely improve
  5. Feeling heavy an slow will be a thing of the past.
  6. AND there are more, believe me



Here is a snapshot of some of the meal and snack ideas we give our clients to help you a great deal.


paleolithic meal ideas you can use today to start losing weight wih a personal trainer




The TOP Motivational Strategies

I was lost when I was younger and I was heading in a bad direction, drugs, clubs and alcohol were my vice.

However, while in a friends house, recovering from a night out I was drawn to a book on the book shelf, I cant remember the name now but that turned me onto personal development and gave me hope and inspiration that a wonderful life was possible.

I later read everything I could from the likes of Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield, etc. and these books revoutionised my life.

Here are some of the best strategies, tips and tricks I have ever come across to help motivate you and so you can set exciting goals that move your life forward in a BIG WAY.


Here’s one of the best motivational vidoes on the planet from Tony Robbins, who I consider to be the BEST success expert alive today.

It’s not just high energy motivational speech, its actual strategies and a mind-set to adopt.




Here’s a goal-setting system you can use to get that Rocking Body – Stripped of FAT!

If you follow the goal setting system i have outlined then you will increase your chances of success by 1000% above and beyond what you would have achieved if you had just written your goals down on paper. If you are serious about achieving your goals then this section will be invaluable. The people who have written goals and work on their goals daily are automatically in the top 3% of successful people in the western world.


The start to achieving goals is to realize that you are totally responsible for every part of your life. If you don’t you are out of control and goal achieving will be very hard for you. So let’s continue:


  1. Desire
  • If you think about, write down and dwell on your goals they will become stronger.
  • You must be absolutely clear about what you want to achieve. Picture it with a crystal clear vision as if it was already achieved. If you can do this then your goal will take on a life of its own. Your subconscious mind will accept that the goal is achievable and subsequently your conscious mind will go about finding a way to make your dream your reality.
  • Dream through all the benefits and amazing things your goal will give you
  • Cut out pictures of your perfect body and have these on a vision board. You could also collect pictures of all the things you think you may be able to attract after you have achieved your goal such as a beautiful partner, lots of money, a confident personality, great friends, whatever works for you.


  1. Belief
  • You must have faith that you deserve the goal, that is possible and it will benefit you. This is vital, anything is possible if you work for it long and hard enough you can achieve it.
  • It is important that your goal is achievable and realistic in the time-frame you have set yourself, think this through — if a goal is unrealistic it becomes de-motivating. In regard to losing body fat; with the program I have given you I recommend you will be able to lose about 1kg per week of lean muscle for the first 8 weeks after that a sensible amount to aim for would be about 0.5-1kg per week if you follow the guidelines in this plan. If you are starting off with an excess weight of 30 kilos or more then you should be able to lose more than one kilo a week initially.
  • You must believe that if a goal is worth achieving and if so it is worth working for, sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years to achieve an important goal.
  • Create and maintain the belief that if you do certain things consistently that you will attract the people and resources you need to achieve your goal or something better probably right on schedule.


  1. Write it down
  • Goals that are not in writing are not goals at all; they are simply wishes or desires. When you write a goal down you make it crystal clear, you make it tangible. You have taken out of the air and put it in the form of something you can do something with. One of the keys to goals setting is to write it out exactly as you would like it to be, exactly as you desire it. For the moment don’t worry for now how achievable it is or what restrictions you have just get it down on paper as a first step. The most important reason for writing down your goals is to deepen your desire for the goal, most people don’t write down their goals because they don’t think it will do any good. In fact, when you write down your goals you override your failure mechanism and turn your success mechanism into full power.
  • An example of a great goal would be: “I weigh 70kg by June 18th, 2011” Always start a goal with ‘I’ as it personalizes the goal. Also, a goal must be written in the present tense to convince the subconscious mind that it is possible. It is vital to write the goal with only positive words. E.g. I weigh not: I have lost. Make your goal specific and tangible.


  1. Make a list of all the reasons why you want to achieve your goals
  • The more reasons you have the stronger your desire and belief will become.
  • Write at least 100 reasons or more for achieving your goal, spend as long as you need on this task. The more reasons the better.
  • One of the things you have to do is to continually think about, write and dwell on all the benefits of achieving a goal will give you. A task that highly successful people set themselves is to write their goals out every day, usually in the mornings before they start their day. This sets you up in a positive mindset and attracts the people, resources and energy you need to help you achieve your goals.
  • Include tangible and no-tangible reasons. Tangible reasons might include being able to run a certain distance or wear a certain dress size or get to a certain weight. Intangible reasons might include feeling better and feeling more confident.


  1. Figure out your starting point
  • It gives you a baseline for monitoring your progress. Please see the getting started section below.


  1. Set a deadline.
  • The key is to set a date for tangible goals
  • Its best not to set deadlines for un-tangible goals such as developing character traits such as developing patience, when you set a date you turn on your reticular activating system so that you achieve a goal by a certain date, with un-tangible goals this obviously doesn’t make sense.
  • Often people don’t set deadlines because they have done so in the past and didn’t achieve their goal on time. They then become discouraged. What happens if you don’t hit the deadline – just set another one, you guessed wrong, set another one. Don Hudson says ‘there are no un-achievable goals just un-realistic timeframes’.
  • If your goal has a 1, 2, 5 yr or more deadline then the first step is to break it down into 90 day sub goals. Then into weekly goals if applicable.


  1. Come up with every single possible obstacle
  • What is the biggest single roadblock that you have in achieving your goal? I call this your ROCK.
  • When anyone sets goals there will always be roadblocks and obstacles that come up
  • Your rock may be internal or external, if it is internal it may be that you lack a certain skill or character trait, you must be very objective with yourself and ask some serious internal questions to uncover your internal rock
  • Your rock may be external, you may need to help your partner help you lose weight, he or she may be stopping you from achieving your goal.


  1. Identify the additional information you will need to achieve your goal.
  • Do you need to hire or trade services with someone that can help you achieve your goal and has the information you need to help you achieve your goal. Can you help this person in some way so they can help you?
  • Make a list of all the information you need and a way to get it, do you need to hire, rent, buy or acquire it from somewhere/someone?
  • 80% of the value will be in 20 % of the information so think about what information is of most value to you.


  1. Who can help you achieve your goal
  • Make a list of all the people that can help you achieve your goal.
  • Ask your self the question ‘how can I help them to help me’ If you take every opportunity to help others eventually they will do all they can to help you.

The law of service is very important – it says that what you achieve in life is the direct effect of the amount you give.


  1. Make a plan.
  • Write out in detail all the ingredients of your plan.
  • It is merely a list of all the activities you have to do in order of time and importance. Something’s can be done during the whole course of the plan others have to be done at one time.
  • List all the activities in order of value to your goal. What is the most important, what is the second most important thing you can do and so on?
  • Please realise that a plan is just that and be flexible and keep adjusting your plan until you achieve your goal.


  1. Visualization
  • Create a crystal clear picture of your goal.
  • Your desire and belief in a goal is directly affected by how clearly you can see your goal as reality.
  • Your subconscious is turned on by pictures, the clearer the better.
  • A crystal clear visualisation is like a series of commands to your conscious mind.


  1. Make the decision in advance that you will never give up.
  • As long as you refuse to quit you will be successful. It is ok to be flexible but never quit.


The 12 step goal setting process is taken from work by Brain Tracy. I highly recommend all of his work, especially his ‘Success Mastery’ course.




Continuous Action Technique.

This technique uses the principle of momentum. It says that when something starts moving, it is easy to keep going but when it stops it takes a massive effort to start again. You can maintain momentum by doing something every day that moves you toward your goal, commit to doing something, even if it is a very little step every day.

  • Make sure every day is marked by an achievement.





Holistic Health Coaching – 90% of people are in the dark about this vital area

90% of the people we meet have a serious problem in areas like these that are slowing down or stopping their weight loss, despite a great diet and regular, great training:

  • Digestion
  • Hormones
  • Sleep
  • Psychological stress


Here’s some things to look out for.

  • What are your normal (when your not busy doing something) energy levels are like?
  • Do you have any consitation, diarea, bloating, gar or burping or acid reflux?
  • Do you have trouble getting to sleep or waking up and not getting to sleep again more than once in 2 weeks?
  • Do you worry or have emotional issues that are causing you serious problems, over 6 on a 1 to 10 scale?


If so then your holistic health is out of balance and your cells will be degenerating and soon, if you don’t have already you’ll develop a dis-ease and be careful – maybe death.


I have loads of articles on my site about KEY areas of holistic health I think you will find useful, go check that out.


This section has been short, but please realise, its abousltely, critically important that you fix problems in these areas if you want to lose weight, have success in personal training and be healthy and live a long, successful life.





So there you have it:

You now have an A-Z plan, one from RAL experts in personal training and body transformation.


All you need to do now is go and use it.

If you need help with weight loss, your holistic health or weight loss get in touch.



Kind Regards,

Tim Garrett.

052 699 3955

Tim - hello. the best personal trainer in the UAE