Hello Again,

Hi, personal training clients

How are you?

I’m so glad you are reading this 🙂

So what was it like, let’s get the goss out of the way…

Firstly, they are normal people with a lot more money than normal people. They are all different people just like you and I are different.


If I had to list some of their quirks here they are…
  • A higher percentage than normal life in an extra sense of fear or anxiety (that’s usually the ones that are not the main breadwinners or business owners, rather the family members)
  • Some are very spoilt, but not all of course. And again, its usually not the main billionaire but his or her family members who are billionaires by default. That doesn’t mean some of those spoilt people are not lovely people because most of them are.
  • The ones running empires are typically very busy
  • They travel a LOT
  • They tend to be easily distracted and unable to focus for long periods of time on daily tasks like getting fit and toned


That’s a few and of course, this is my own personal opinion which could be totally wrong, I’m only human.


What I learned from personal training Billionaires and their family?

LOTS and a massive heap of inspiration.

When you meet people who can spend $260,000,000 dollars on teapots you have to expand your mind as to what is possible for your own life, there is just no getting away from that.

  • I learned they are pretty normal people, they have the same hopes, fears, frustrations and dreams as everybody else at a most basic level.
  • I learned that you have to give the essential information quickly and deliver real value quick or you’ll be gone, they will be off to the next shiny object
  • I learned that they want to relate to someone just like you and I do so the relationship is also very important
  • That some are bored and need entertainment and a friend
  • Training wealthy businessman generally has taught me that they are very open about money, business and what they have achieved and what they hope to do in the future
  • They struggle with eating health, taking care of their health and exercise just like anyone does
  • That their schedules, travel schedule and business commitments make it hard to exercise but they do it (the actual billionaire, not his or her family) – so what excuse have you or I got – if they are running billion dollar companies with thousands of employees and big problems to do with EVERY day, on top of families, personal commitments and a life to live, I ask you again, what excuse do you have?



What I Taught Them?

  • The importance of holistic health and not overdoing it without adequate, great quality rest to restore the adrenal glands, the thyroid and to balance the hormone system – that was a stand out lesson for my billionaire personal training Clients
  • As always and with everyone there were areas of diet that I taught them.
  • How much I love cars (that had to be one of my favorite subjects with my wealthy Clients)!



The Biggest Take Away For Me?

Reach for the stars!

Impossible is only impossible until someone does it!

Go forth and prosper everyone and remember please take care of your diet, health, and movement along the way.

Kind Regards,


052 699 3955
